Monday, February 12, 2024

Death Wins a Goldfish: Reflections from a Grim Reaper’s Yearlong Sabbatical –by Brian Rea

 Publisher: Chronicle Books; Illustrated edition (February 5, 2019)

Language: English

Hardcover: 176 pages

ISBN-13:  978-1452172552

5 Stars


Death works in a cubicle farm with a bazillion other Deaths. Who knew? He reports to work and discovers a note from Human Resources telling him he has a great many unused vacation days—a year’s worth, to be exact, and starting Friday this week, he will be on vacation. A year-long vacation. 


This book is truly all about living, not dying. He keeps a journal of things he does, from upgrading his wardrobe to attending a carnival where he wins a goldfish and now has a pet, to dating apps to traveling to warm climes and hot spots. He even takes up painting!


The journal entries are fun, but the drawings are delightful. At first glance, it almost looks like a child’s book, but as you get into it, the reader will find it is anything but a child’s book. It’s for every workaholic out there. Life is for living, and living is not being crammed into a cubicle farm 24/7, no matter how much you love your job, or how indispensable you are. 


I do wish the goldfish played a bigger role, and had shown up on most (all?) pages, once introduced to Death and us.

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