Friday, February 12, 2016

The Black Jewels Trilogy --by Anne Bishop

Fiction / Fantasy
1216 pages

5 Stars

Daughter of the Blood
Heir to the Shadows
Queen of the Darkness

I first became enamored with Ms. Bishop's writing in reading her series about the Others. When I saw this book, I was pretty sure I'd be in for a great read. Boy Howdy! Was I ever!!

Anne Bishop creates marvelous worlds, fantastical and yet believable. The world of the Jewels is unlike any I've ever read. It is spellbinding, it is dark with shafts of brilliant light. It is the story of Jaenelle Agneline, born Witch, the "dream made flesh" and her struggles to stay sane, and free from the asylum where her family locks her away and unspeakable horrors are perpetrated on her and the other children who have magic.

The three books take us into the Realms, where we meet Saetan, the adopted father of Jaenelle, her adopted brother, Lucivar, and the man she loves, Daemon Sadi. We meet Priestesses who corrupt the magic and try to destroy all men. And all the while we cannot put the book down, we cannot stop turning the pages until we get to the end, with it's surprise and more than satisfactory conclusion. I don't want to say too much, because I want you to read the books. I can assure you they are not what you think they are. They are infinitely better than you can possibly imagine. Did I mention there are dragons, among other wonderful Kindred?

Anne Bishop is perhaps one of, if not the, most polished writers of fantasy I have ever read. I know better than to go to bed and start one of her books – unless I go to bed really, really early, because I know I will read until my eyes burn and no longer focus, then will get up in the morning and promise myself just one more chapter until the book is finished. I began this trilogy on Thursday afternoon, and finished it Sunday evening. I think I took time out to eat, but am not positive. You are warned.

Speaking of warning you, I should mention this is a fantasy series for adults. It contains sexual matter, and not the kind you want your kids reading. I know that can be a real turn-off for some, so keep that in mind.

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