Friday, November 15, 2013

Reunification of Joseph K

The Reunification of Joseph K –by Richard Badalamente

1412 KB / 197 pages
4 Stars

Disclaimer: Richard and I are friends.

OK, now that the legalities are out of the way.... I read the earlier version of this story, and didn't care so much for it. I made a few suggestions, some of which he actually used, and I must say, I enjoyed the "new and improved" version much better.

This short novel is an homage to Kafka, I think, and Kafka is darker than I normally care for, hence the 4 star rating. This is a dark story. The hero is not, to my way of thinking, particularly likable, but he finds himself in a most interesting situation, and I end up actually liking him. At least a little ;-)

The story moves along well, with no major stumbles. And though Joseph is not my favorite hero (or anti-hero) he is believable. And the situation in which he finds himself while sent to North Korea on a fact-finding mission is frighteningly believable. Especially for someone who is going to do it his way, not the way of the North Koreans, and flaunt his arrogant individuality in the faces of his hosts. 

If you like Kafka, I think you will enjoy this story. If you like dark fiction, I'm sure you will enjoy this story. And if you just want a good read, something different from your usual, check out The Reunification of Joseph K by my friend. Surprise yourself!

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