Thursday, August 29, 2024

Murder Undeniable (Book 1 of 4) --by Anita Waller


Publisher: Bloodhound Books (December 10, 2018)

Language: English

File size: 5307 KB

Print Length: 248 pages

Contemporary British Fiction/Amateur Sleuth Mysteries)


All Kat wanted was to become Bishop for her church. Until she met Leon. Now she is both a Bishop and happily married to the man of her dreams, Leon. Leon is a very successful businessman, and owns a series of drug stores. And then, one morning, Kat is with Leon, and they discover two bodies in the alley behind the main pharmacy of Leon’s. One is very dead, the other not quite.


Kat checks on the young lady who is in the hospital, as a concerned person, plus as a good Christian. The young lady is called Mouse. They become good friends, and bring in Mouse’s grandmother, and as a trio, they solve the murder and attempted murder, and go into business together as Kat and Mouse, PIs, for at least 3 more books. 


Maybe consider this a love child between Midsommer Murders and Vera. A great cozy, but there is a tad more violence than usual, though considerably less than is usual in our murder mysteries. Good wit, acerbic wit, and likable cops. I liked it well enough I just bought books 2, 3, &4!

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