Thursday, August 29, 2024

LOKA (Book 2 of Allowy Era) --by D. B. Divya


Publisher: 47North (August 13, 2024

Language: English

File Size: 5238 KB

Print length: 366 pages

Genetic Engineering/Hard Science Fiction

5 Stars


I all but inhaled Meru, Book 1, and had pre-ordered Loka before finishing Meru. Give you an idea how much I liked it. I also forgot about it, so I was very surprised when I received a notice that Loka had been delivered. And it wasn’t even my birthday!


Divya is one of the best world builders I’ve ever read. And I absolutely love well done worlds. In Meru, we followed Akshaya’s parents. In Loka we follow Akshaya, who was genetically engineered by her mother to live and thrive on Meru. Of course, Akshaya had no say in it, and after living on the Spaceship Loka for all of her young life, she and her mother go to Earth for a while.


Akshaya and her heart sibling make the trip together, and have a great adventure. Akshaya wants to be genetically changed so she can live and thrive on Earth. Earth is what she read about, dreamed about, but as she comes of age, she gives much serious thought to her life, where does she really belong? In the end, she makes the adult decision, even though it is very painful, having to chose between Meru and Earth. But, this is fiction, and I am fairly certain Ms. Divya is a bit of a romantic.


One of the best coming of age books I’ve read in a long time. 

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