Saturday, February 15, 2020

The President's Henchman, a thriller --by Joseph Flynn

Fiction / Thriller
434 pages / 3074KB
5 Stars

I used to say that thriller's weren't my genre of choice, however, I can no longer state that. I've now read two of Flynn's books (Tall Man in Ray-Bans was my first) and am a full and complete convert. There's enough adrenaline in this book to satisfy just about anyone, but enough laugh-out-loud humor to satisfy me. In fact, the humor can be deadly; I strongly recommend you not read it while eating. 

Jim McGill is an ex-cop, married to a woman who becomes President. He isn't into ribbon cutting and sweet smiles, so gets his PI license, opens an office, and brings one of his ex-cop buddies, Sweetie, to work with him. Sweetie quickly earned my respect. She's no nonsense, hard as diamonds, loaded with compassion and empathy, and her relationship, such as it is, with her landlord is delightful. The characters are believable, the story is engrossing, and I can hardly wait to read the next in the series.

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