Saturday, February 8, 2020

The Horse Nation [Revival of the Past] --by Lawney L. Reyes and Therese Kennedy Johns

Fiction / Historical (Modern Native American)
161 pages
3 Stars

I am, perhaps being a little rough on my rating; after all, Mr. Reyes is an accomplished author of nonfiction work. And perhaps that's his hard point here? This is a work of fiction, geared, I think, to a YA audience. Then, again, perhaps I need to read more works by "Rez Indians."

This is the story of a young man, Christian, who grows up on the rez, and decides to race his father's horse in a Suicide Race. Fortunately, he changes his mind, and works with his father's two thoroughbreds to race in the relay races. He is given much leeway as a boy, riding through the wilderness to school (what schoolboy wouldn't love that? For that matter, what horse crazy girl wouldn't love that?).

Christian is an only child, home schooled his early years, then attends school on the rez. He is encouraged by his parents to look at all sides of an issue, though also gently guided by them. He also receives helpful advice from the current group of Indian horse racers.

This book is an interesting insight into rez living and the history of horses and Northwest Native Americans. Reyes used a mixture of fictional characters and real people which gives the book a taste of reality. There are several color photographs throughout, showing both the people and the area. This book is not angry as some by Natives I've read.

I recommend it, especially for YA audiences.

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