Thursday, January 26, 2012

Imagine There's No Heaven

Imagine There's No Heaven: Voices of Secular Humanism –ed. by Matt Cherry, Tom Flynn and Timothy Madigan

102 pages
Footnotes/Endnotes: None
Illustrations: None
Suitable for eReaders: Yes

This little book contains interviews of, and essays by, 11 of the great Humanists of today.  If you are a Believer in (insert religion of choice), Rainy Day does not think you will like this book. However, if you are seeking answers in the rational world of Freethinkers, this may be a book for you.

Rainy Day admits she isn't sure how to review a book by 11 different authors, or contributors. She has a hard enough time with a book by just one person. The contributors include Peter Ustinov, Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and others Rainy Day had never heard of, like Tai Solarin, Henry Morgentaler, and more.

Owning, and having read, books by such luminaries as Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens, Rainy Day didn't find their contributions to be earth shakers. The one that made her sit up and take notice was the interview of Tai Solarin, one of Nigeria's leading educators and social critics. Rainy Day was very sorry to do a Google on Dr. Solarin only to discover that he, like Christopher Hitchens, has died. The interview of Dr. Solarin was the highlight of Rainy Day's read.

Free Inquiry is the magazine for Secular Humanism, and Rainy Day received her copy of Imagine There's No Heaven when she subscribed to the magazine. If you are curious as to what Secular Humanism is – and isn't – Rainy Day strongly urges you to start here:

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