Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Haiku: Inspirations, Poems and Meditations on Nature and Beauty – by Tom Lowenstein and Dr. Victoria James

Inspiration, History, Poetry
159 Pages
Footnote/Endnotes: No
Illustrations: Yes
Suitable for eReaders: No

Rainy Day is a poet, and enjoys writing haiku, and what she calls birdku (about the birds in her yard), and when she found this book, it simply had to become a permanent part of her library.

It is a small, square book (about 8 inches on a side), and every page is illustrated, many are double page illustrations, especially the ones with the haiku on them. Because of the illustrations and the 'side notes' on some pages, as well as the double paged art, Rainy Day thinks much of the beauty of the book would be lost in an eReader.

Mr. Lowenstein is an anthropologist, cultural historian, and poet. Dr. James is a journalist who has lived in Japan. Their book shows their love and respect for the Japanese people and culture.

This book not only traces the history and evolution of haiku, but also gives an easily accessible, concise history of Japan, her people and their culture. Especially some of the more known poets and artists.

The illustrations are both painting and photography, deliberately chosen to go with the words, and are stunning in the beauty and subtlety.

Rainy Day heartily recommends this book to anyone who has ever had even a wee teensy interest in Japan and her culture.

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