Friday, December 14, 2018

Draft No. 4: On the Writing Process –by John McPhee

Nonfiction / Essays
209 pages / 3095 KB
5 Stars

Disclaimer: I have never, ever, read a book by McPhee that did not hold me enthralled. This book is no exception.

If you don't know his writing, McPhee writes nonfiction on a variety of subjects ranging from oranges to the merchant marine to the geology of the USA. (BTW, some of my geology friends who read his book, Annals of the Former World, say that by the time he finished his research he was a better geologist than some of the geologists he quoted. They know. They took classes from some of those same geologists.)

Draft No. 4 is a collection of essays on the process of writing—John McPhee style. It is not necessarily a How To Write book as it is a book on the process he uses. Processes any writer of any genre can use in their chosen craft.

If you fancy yourself a writer, you need this book. If you are a wannabe writer, you need this book, if you enjoy reading a good book—well, this book will help you understand what the author went through to produce that book for your enjoyment!

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