Friday, June 23, 2017

Daughters of Men --by Brenda Leifso

Poetry / Literature  

119 pages / 348 KB
5 Stars

This is a "full meal deal" of poetry, and frankly, I wish I'd written some of them!

Leifso plays with format and with style, and comes up with appetizers (follow the lines...), with perfectly paired libations (who asked you to coil the truth), to entre (Heavenly Father), to a dessert of perfect proportion (when does lament become prayer).

I thought I would read this as my bedtime book. Read a poem or two, turn out the light, and think about what I'd read as I fell asleep. I would think about how she used words, used phrases, used line breaks instead of punctuation. I would think about the images she conjured. Alas, by the time I turned out the light, I'd read the whole book.  Yes, it is that good. And it will go on my shelf and be pulled down and reread, perhaps in smaller pieces, but then, again, perhaps when I'm starving, and I'll read it straight through, again.

Daughters of Men is a powerful book, and I hope we see many more books by Brenda Leifso. (And I'm so jealous she wrote these, and not me!)

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