40 pages
5 Stars
NOTE: There is no ISBN for this little book, which means you'll
have to order it from the publisher at http://www.gazoobitales.com/index00home.html.
Or be lucky enough to attend a poetry
reading where he is. (That's how I got my copy.)
Hubbard is a mixed-blood of (probably) southeastern
tribes—Cherokee and Miami—and Irish and English. He grew up in working class
neighborhoods and held working class jobs. He worked hard, went to school,
taught writing on the Tulalip Reservation in Washington State, was a publisher
and now is a free-lance writer for Raven Chronicles. He knows his subject well.
These poems will give all who read them cause for pause,
cause to stop and think about who our ancestors were, what they did, who we are
and what we do. No matter where we came from, no matter where we go, Hubbard
reminds us through his heritage and through his lyrical poetry, "We are
all of us related."
Indeed, we are, all of us, related, whether we are the dream
ponies who come to waken us, the buffalo we eat for sustenance, or the young
boy named Ira, named for a real hero. We are all of us related—the young native
mother who holds a job, shops in a hurry, and takes care of her husband and
children, or the farmer who loves his land. Give thanks for your relations;
give thanks to Thomas Hubbard for introducing us.
Buy injunz. You'll be glad you did. http://www.gazoobitales.com/index00home.html.