Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Meru (The Alloy Era Book 1 of 2) --by S. B. Divya

 Publisher: 47North

February 1, 2023

Paperback: 447 pages

ISBN-10: 1662505094

ISBN-13: 978-1662505096


cost at time of review: $14.44 ($4.99 Kindle)

5 Stars


I used to read a lot of hard science fiction but moved over to fantasy. This book has brought me back to the fold, so to speak. I was delighted to find it is not an adrenalin gusher, but certainly fits the page burner category in my book. The story is set 500 years or so in the future, during which time humans have been confined to Earth by their descendants, the Alloys, because of the human capacity to ruin a planet.


Jayanthi is the adopted human daughter of two alloys, who has sickle cell disease, and a fantastic education.  The alloys take care of the humans, there is no need for them go into space. They could not be allowed to pollute another planet, as they did to Earth and Mars. And until Jayanthi, humans weren’t too interested in going out there.


Once she learns of a planet, Meru, with more oxygen than is safe for most humans, but might be just perfect for her. Through a series of events, she will get to go there for a year, and if she does not pollute it, or get sick, she might get to stay. She will at least know, and perhaps open the door for other humans.


Her pilot-ship, named Vaha, and she develop a close relationship. And when Vaha disappears, Jaya shows initiative, and brain power no one knew she had. There are many unexpected twists and turn in this story, and not a dull moment to be had. By the time I was about 2/5ths of the way through it, I pre-ordered the sequel coming out next year sometime.


This is an epic space opera of fantastical dimensions. It reminds me of why I turned to science fiction so many years ago, it was hopeful. And why I gave up on it later, when so much became dystopian.


I heartily recommend this book! I read fiction for one purpose only—to escape my reality. I do not want downer fiction, I’m too much of a news junky. This book is my idea of a perfect escape. Thank you, S. B. Divya!

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