Saturday, December 26, 2020

A Tale of Two Reapers --by Jack Wallen

 Fiction: Urban Fantasy

292 pages / 3579 KB

5 stars


Every year I give me a new book from me. That way I know I’ll get at least one new book I will enjoy. This year’s Christmas present from me to me was A Tale of Two Reapers. I could not have picked a better book to curl up with on the sofa and read, cover to cover. I love a good urban fantasy that makes me laugh out loud several times through the book. On most pages, actually.

WARNING: This is a one-sit read! Hire a babysitter and check into your nearest motel. Splurge on room service. You'll be glad you took this advice. Honest. Trust me.


I felt like I was an old friend and Grim was telling me his story. I absolutely loved the style of writing, very relaxed, very humorous, and obviously, Mr. Wallen is a very disciplined writer. I look forward to reading other books by him.


The characters were well developed, thought out, and fun. The kind of people I’d enjoy calling ‘Friend’. I especially liked how Grim treated his young friend, Jonesy. That was an unexpected and most delightful bit to enjoy. Grim is 500 years old or so, so everyone is younger than he is. He deals in death all day, every day. His one and only job is to harvest souls of the good, the bad, and the awful. He has a young friend, Jonesy who is other-abled, and Grim treats him as a friend, a fully realized adult. He enjoys the company of Jonesy, and it shows. I dare say most of us could learn from their interchanges.


I suppose for some, death is a dark and all but taboo subject, but really, it’s just part of the Circle of Life. And this was such a delightful way to handle it.  I eagerly await buying and reading books 2 and 3. (Am saving them for my birthday ;-)

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