Sunday, April 9, 2017

Dreamthief (Fairy World MD Book !) –by Tamara Grantham

Fiction / urban & high

318 pages / 4091 KB
4 Stars

I hate to ding the author when it jolly well could have just been my mood, but I found it very easy to put down the first 2 or 3 times I started it. I waited a few weeks, picked it up for one last go and then I couldn't put it down!

Grantham does a great job of building worlds, both our mundane (Houston) and fantastical (Faythander). I absolutely love how our heroine, Olive, can go between the two worlds with no memory problem because her father is Fairy who lives in Faythander and her mother is human, who lives in Houston. Everyone else who does so without a memory charm loses all memory of the world visited when they return home.

Olive is a mental health worker in Houston, and receives a call that her godson is in a strange coma. Using magic, she determines a Dreamthief is stealing his dreams and if she doesn't find this being, and son, Jeremiah will die. Therein lies our quest.

It's a fun read and I'll be looking for other books by this author. Suspend your disbelief and enjoy a new and different fantasy.

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