Saturday, October 8, 2016

A Pirate's Honor --Tricia Owens

(This is a Novella)
Fiction / M/M
90 pages / 1907 KB
5 Stars

I first "met" the author with her Dragon books, and am so thoroughly hooked on them, I thought it time to branch out read some of her others. I am delighted I did.

This is a novella, a quick read, and it contains no dragons. A Pirate's Honor is interesting, and fun; it is a story of love, loss, and revenge, with a delightful twist at the end.

I vaguely remember reading somewhere that Owens writes romance, as well as dragons, and I don't normally read romance, and had never really heard of M/M. Oh, my, after this little story, my horizon has most assuredly broadened. I believe our Jamie has out Sparrowed Captain Jack Sparrow ;-)

We get it all in this story: History, intrigue, swashbuckling, true love, loss, true love, oh, and did I mention sex? Because reading is difficult, at best, while taking a cold shower, I heartily recommend you fill the bathtub with ice water, get in, and read. It will soon be steaming. This is, most assuredly, a wet-panty read!

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