Sunday, August 14, 2022

Six Gun Tarot (Golgotha Book 1) --R. S. Belcher

 Fiction / Western/Horror/Twisted/A Heckuva Ride

Tor Fantasy; Reissue

March 25, 2014

ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0765367513

ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0765367518

480 pages

5 Stars


I was given Ghost Dance Judgement by a friend. Now, I’ve read enough fantasy series in my life that I don’t have much of a problem coming in at the middle or end of a series figuring out what’s gone on before. And I didn’t have that problem with Ghost, either. However, after reading the first 20 or so pages, I realized this universe, this world, deserved to be started at the beginning, so I stopped, and ordered books 1, 2, 3. I am so glad I did.


Mr. Belcher has built a marvelous universe, in 1869 Nevada, and slightly earlier South Carolina. When I can put the books down long enough to go find my tarot cards and book, I will look the chapter headings up, in the meantime, I’m just reading. By starting at the beginning, I have a good background to read the other books. I’m already reading 3 (still waiting for 2 to arrive)


Golgotha kind of reminds me of Sanctuary of Thieves’ World (Robert Lynn Aspirin). Everyone is welcome as long as they can abide by the rules of keeping their nose out of other people’s business. Yeah. Right. Jim is a nice young man who killed a couple of guys back east and has come west to find a job with the railroad. He’s really a tenderfoot, and he and his faithful horse try to cross the 40-mile desert with no supplies. He’s rescued by a half-breed Indian/coyote called Mutt. The Sherriff is a dead man walking. It isn’t his time to die yet. Down in a cave are the golden tablets for the Mormons, and in an old silver mine an Olde Wurm (the original bad dude/thing/evil awakens and plans on eating every living thing on the planet, as well as the stars, etc. Unless, of course, our intrepid heroes can stop him.


Saddle up, Buckaroo, it’s one heckuva ride. Yes, there is a bit of gruesome, but I wouldn’t call it nightmare inducing. I don’t like horror because it gives me nightmares, and I read this book at night, just before turning my light out. Mostly I chuckled through the book. 

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