Monday, August 22, 2016

A Buddhist Grief Observed –by Guy Newland

Nonfiction / Death and Grief
136 pages
5 Stars

I preordered this book, and frankly, forgot about it until it arrived in my mailbox. Timing, they say, is everything, and the timing of this arrival was perfect. To be honest, I'm not sure why I ordered it, other than it looked interesting, between that date and the date of it's arrival, much changed in my life. Three of my friends announced they had received diagnoses of terminal illness. One has since died.

So, when this book came, it was like water for the parched.

This is not a book to tell you how to work through your grief. This is a book that tells you how Guy Newland worked through his grief. It is a book of guideposts one is free to follow, or not, depending on their own situation. It is also a book for caregivers and friends of those who are dying or friends of the bereaved.

This is not a book for Buddhists, it is a book for those who suffer a loss. It is well written, and accessible. It is a book about coping, surviving, and growing through grief. I highly recommend it to everyone who has suffered a loss, or who will suffer a loss.

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