Tuesday, November 28, 2023

A Howling--by Susan F. Blair

 Publisher: Press 53 (October 3, 2023)

Language: English

Paperback: 86 pages

ISBN: 978-1950413683

5 Stars


From the first poem, the first stanza of the title poem, I was hooked. “Candle flame shudders / an act of bravery / in the dark.” begins our adventure.  Blair takes us on the complete circle of life—insects, small furry animals, feathered ones, and her beloved sister. I found this book full of beauty, full of love, quite a bit of humor, and full of pathos. 


I do not care for spiders. At all. Well, when they are in my house. Outside, they’re fine. Her last poem, Black Widow Spider Soliloquies made me smile. I actually chuckled at “Scene V / Horatio     I die / Horatio     I dine”


A truly enjoyable book. Buy it. Read it. Review it.

Duck, Death and the Tulip--by Wolf Erlbruch

 Publisher: Gecko Press; Illustrated edition (August 1, 2016

Language: English

Hardcover: 38 pages

ISBN: 978-1877467141

Reading age: 9+ years

5 Stars


How do you explain death to a child? For that matter, how do you explain death to an adult? I think this is one of the best explanations I’ve ever read for anyone who was ever born and will eventually die. Even though I cry when I read it, and I’ve read it several times, I find the drawings delightful, and Death as friendly, and non threatening, as Duck.


I like that Death wears a nightshirt and is Duck’s size, that he’s sympathetic. But I love that Death doesn’t really know what happens when we die, either. And that he sees death as a part of the circle of life. 


If you are raising your children to believe in a Heaven and Hell, this might not be the book for you, but if you have an open mind, if you are curious, if simplicity, honesty, and beauty intrigue you, then I beg you to buy, read, and enjoy and share Duck, Death and a Tulip.