Publisher: Grove Press
Language: English
Hard Cover: 210 pages
ISBN 13: 978-0-8021-1919-3
5 Stars
This is a collection of short stories and poetry. Someone gave it to my Elder Brother of Choice, who could no longer hold a book or turn the pages to read. I read it to him before he died. We both had many laughs, Alexie, being raised on the Spokane Indian Reservation, had lots of great rez humor in it we both loved.
The first piece in the book is a poem, “The Limited,” that ends: “Why do poets think / They can change the world? / The only life I can save / Is my own.” Yes, that is true, but Mr. Alexei brought happiness, and beautiful laughter to a dying man. That’s a karma-scrubber for sure.
Alexie’s characters are not only believable, but they are also gentle. They are real. And the stories they tell could easily belong to that guy alone in the diner, reading a book while he eats. Or pretends to read, because he hasn’t turned the page since I sat down.
That’s not to say there isn’t anger now and then, but it’s resolved, and life goes on. This is a great bedtime read. It’s entertaining and won’t bring you nightmares. Heartily recommend this book.